Fast Reconnect []

Fast Reconnect

Sometimes, for some users, game permanently loses connection during battle (and all tanks stops responding). It can even happen in hangar.

Because there are no buttons for disconnect in such scenario, either you have to:

wait 40 seconds timeout in battle or
restart a game (~20 seconds depending on PC)

… to again see Login Screen and reconnect.

This mod allows you to instantly kick you to Login Screen skipping above delays to help you reconnect MUCH faster (from there you only have to login and wait for map loading).

Depending on PC, you can come back into battle in less than 10 seconds since noticing a connection loss.

CTRL+K shortcut to instantly disconnect you from anywhere to Login Screen

How to use

When you notice permanent connection loss, hit CTRL+K (like Control Kick) shortcut. This will quickly kick you to Login Screen.
Login again to rejoin a battle.

By this, you don’t have to restart a game or wait for timeout to rejoin a battle as fast as possible.


Shortcut CTRL+K works ANYWHERE except for replays.

Use it wisely.


Copy “FastReconnect.wotmod” file into “[WoT game directory]/mods/[version]/” directory



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zip FastReconnect
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zip FastReconnect
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zip FastReconnect
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zip FastReconnect
1 KB
zip FastReconnect
1 KB
zip FastReconnect
1 KB
zip FastReconnect
1 KB

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