Dispersion Reticle (+ Server reticles & Reticle size) []

Dispersion Reticle (+ Server reticles & Reticle size)

Updated and completely reworked mod that adds additional circle displaying fully focused dispersion of a gun.

Original idea by StranikS_Scan, completely reworked by me.

Also, over time, this mod now contains following mutually compatible mods:

Dispersion reticle
Server reticle
Simple server reticle with customizable shape, color, blending, outline presence and transparency
Latency reticle
Reticle Size (adjustment in config file)

Config file

All features from config file are reloadable on-the-fly using CTRL + P hotkey in the game anywhere.

This mod also supports Mod Configurator by IzeBerg allowing for configuring this mod using its GUI.
It’s also implicitly present in some modpacks.

Check Installation section for more info about config file and Mod Configurator.


All of those features can be enabled/adjusted independently.

They are also compatible with “Use server aim” from in-game option.

DispersionReticle (enabled by default):

adds green reticle displaying fully focused dispersion to vanilla reticle

Latency reticle:

adds green reticle displaying current server-side dispersion to client-side reticle
useful if you want to know server-side dispersion, but still want client-side responsiveness

Server reticle:

adds purple server-side reticle alongside with client-side reticle

Simple server reticle (except SPG):

adds server-side reticle with customizable shape alongside with client-side reticle
has configurable shape, coloring, blending, outline presence and transparency
implicitly uses standard server reticle for SPG top view
original idea by AwfulTanker’s Server Marker

Reticle size:

controlled by “reticle-size-multiplier” option
WG’s displayed reticle dispersion is noticeably bigger than actual gun dispersion
it was discovered by Jak_Attackka, StranikS_Scan and others
by this setting you can scale it to actual displayed dispersion
good known values:
1.0 (default “wrong” WG dispersion)
0.6 (factor determined by me)
0.5848 (factor determined by Jak_Attackka, StranikS_Scan and others)

Source code & feedback

Mod is not obfuscated and it’s source code is on Github repository.

Forum feedback is located in this thread on forum, but you can also PM me on forum, in game on EU server or GitHub issues.

This mod IS NOT compatible with other mods with similar features as mine.

Current known incompatible mods:

AwfulTanker’s Server Marker (and other similar)
Jak_Atackka’s Fix Reticle Size (and other similar)

Use preferred options from above features for similar functionality instead.

However, it should be compatible with any crosshair mods that changes
how crosshair or reticle looks like.

Optional dependencies

Mod Configurator – thanks to IzeBerg
ModsList – thanks to POLIROID


Thanks to:

shuxue – for Russian translations
yinx2002 – for Chinese translations



4/5 - (2 votes)

Download mod

File Description File size
zip DispersionReticle_3.0.12
731 KB
zip DispersionReticle_3.0.9
699 KB
zip DispersionReticle_3.0.7
693 KB
zip DispersionReticle_3.0.6
692 KB
zip DispersionReticle
687 KB
zip DispersionReticle
532 KB

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