Visible Penetration Indicator (Colorblind) []

Visible Penetration Indicator (Colorblind)

Can’t see the difference between ‘No Pen’, ‘May Pen’ and ‘Will Pen’?

This mod will make it easy to tell. Shows stock crosshair colors, except the ‘Will Pen’ has an extra cross. No doubt when it’s lit. Helps make the penetration indicator on the crosshair more visible to colorblindness.

You must have Settings – Reticle – Gun Marker set to ‘Crosshair I’ with ‘(with armor penetration indicator)’. See the screenshots for the proper settings.

I have found that just changing the color was not helpful, so added the graphic. ‘Crosshair I’ is the only Gun Marker that worked well enough to use.


Just download the .wotmod file to your WorldofTanks>mods>(current version)> folder.



4.9/5 - (8 votes)

6 Comments on “Visible Penetration Indicator (Colorblind) []”

  1. eu nu vad bine si nici nu stiu sa setez ca sa vad culoarea verde si galben cind pun tinta pe un inamic ce fac??

  2. will there be an update please? I have some issues when playing italian autoreloaders which I assume are due to this mod being outdated

  3. i love to use this mod, without i just cant see if the difference between pen or not.

    sadly today its no longer working, it gives a problem with loading of the gun. i cant see loading time any more.

    anny sugestion what i can do about that?

  4. Thank you for this great MOD

    with this mod i could see the difference, without it i am just shooting like blind.
    is there a update for it? since today it still works but i cant see the re-loading time of my gun any more.

    thank you for your work.

  5. will you update the mod ? it is now and this mod needs to be updated, your masterwork is so important to me, a color blind player

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