The most important problem of World of Tanks is FPS. The game is not very optimized and requires a lot of resources. Each tanker is faced with these inconveniences. It is strange that the developers until this time were not able to change some graphic effects, which greatly affect the performance of games.
Open Tweaker.7z File
Copy the necessary tweaks to the folder World_of_Tanks_RU / mods / 1.6.X.X
ArmorHit.wotmod ———> Disable effects of getting into the tank
ClanEmblems —————> Disable clan emblems
Clouds.wotmod ————-> Disable clouds
Exhaust.wotmod ————> Disconnect smoke from the exhaust pipe
SmokeDead.wotmod ——–> Disable smoke from destroyed tanks
GraphicsSettings.wotmod —> Lower graphics settings
GroundHit.wotmod —————-> Disable the effects of shell explosions
HelpWindow —————————> Disable help window
MarkOnTheBarrel.wotmod —–> Disable marks on trunks
Shots.wotmod ————————–> Turn off smoke and flames when fired
SkyFog.wotmod ————————–> Disable fog on all maps
SmokeDead.wotmod ———————-> Disable smoke from destroyed tanks
Speedwind.wotmod ————————> Disable tree movement effects
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