After days full of fierce battles, you are relaxing in your tank’s garage and suddenly realized that the game’s factor such as soundtracks, images, … becomes too familiar to you. Then why wouldn’t you try out our mods? We will bring to you a new fresh air with a combination of cute anime girls and tankers’ spirits, leading you to your victory!
With that in mind, for many years, we created a series of awesome mod packs, each excels in its own style. Our motivation is every tankers, including non anime-fan, could enjoy our mod pack at ease, by dividing “Vocal” and “Instrumental only” versions.
About Spring Edition contents, she excels in East Asia traditional instruments music style. You will recognize it easily when all the ingame background music will be changed to another era. Also, many graphic content of the game will be changed to the so-called “Anime Style” asmosphere.
In details, here is the list of features we given to you. You can select which to install via the installer options.
Features list
User Interfaces
Login Screen & Login Video
Battle Loading Screen
Sixthsense Icon
Crew Image
Battle Result Window (Pending due to WoT changes)
Music and Sound
Login Screen Music & Login Video Music
Hangar Music
Battle Loading Music & Combat Music
Crew Voice & Sixthsense Voice
Gun Sound (External mod from ed76na and Polyacov_Yury)
Support Mods
XVM Config (Pending due to WoT changes)
J1mB0 Crosshair (External mod from J1mB0, Grabaah and Andre_V)
J1mB0 Countour Icon (External mod from J1mB0 and Grabaah)
SaveAccount (External mod from Chirimen)
About Spring Edition background, she was first announced in January 2015 in Official WoT Asia Forum and changed our Music Mod style since then. It was very popular at that time, especially in South East Asia countries. In her time, it was known as the first Seasonal Mod Pack that hit the world. She was destroyed in WoT 9.14 (March 2016) and the Rebirth version was released 1 year later (January 2017) with some improvement. Since then, Spring Edition were updated commonly along with each WoT releases.
About ASMC history, first introduced since update 8.10, when the Japanese tanks made their first appearance in the game, Anime-Style Mod Collection (ASMC) has been through a long journey. Changing your login screens, crew, voice, … and even the music into that of anime-related, we hope that our mod will not only satisfied anime lovers but also veterans that loves a change of wind to once again returning to the game with new enthusiasm.
You can read the detailed instruction included within the installer.
Step by step installation:
We strongly recommends that you should remove all previous mod content in your game folder.
Extract the downloaded rar file using WinRAR 5.70 or similar programs.
After extraction, you will see only 2 files: Mod installer and its’ instruction. Please read the Instruction file first, using MS Word. It should takes you only 1 minute.
Open the installer. It could takes a while for it to be ready. Be patient.
Click next until you see the installation path. Browse to the folder where your World of Tanks is installed.
Select your mods and options, depend on the situations noted in the Instruction file.
Restart the game for a few times to stabliizing the mods.
For the best experience, follows the Recommended In-game Settings noted in Instruction file.
If you want to install more mods later, simply run the installer again and make changes. The installer can remember your previously selected mods.
hope there is an update soon