Simple XVM config []

Simple XVM config

This is not a modpack, it’s a configuration of the xvm mod. A bit like QB’s modpack (but better).

XVM’s default features include:

– extra stats ingame for your teammates and enemies: wn8, winrates and battles fought
– extra stats in the garage: wn8, winrates and battles fought
– some easy game features like automatically returning crews
– customized vehicule markers and minimap
– …

The main difference from xvm default config:

– the ingame XVM damage and hitlogs are turned off
– the default WoT damage/hitlog panel is used

Other smaller differences include:

– larger zoom-in (up to 25) and zoom-out
– the sixth sense icon stays onscreen longer (10s instead of 2s) and the game default image and sound are used
– in the garage, the caroussel shows progression towards Marks of Excellence
– the little xvm colored ribbon on the hp bar of a players marker looks prettier
– the circles on the minimap are thinner
– the lines on the minimap are thinner
– the larger playerpanel has wn8 colors on the vehicules aswell
– stat widget in the garare is turned off

So it has all the xvm features but just configured. This pack has no other mods. If you want them, figure it out yourself.


Close the game down before installing this modpack.

I. download this modepack
II. unzip the downloaded file to a folder using for example 7-zip or WinRar
III. open this unzipped folder, these are the modpack files
IV. find your game folder, for example C:\Games\World_of_Tanks
V. copy the contents of the /mods folder in the modpack files you downloaded to the /mods folder in your games folder (to for example C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\mods )
VI. copy the contents of the /res_mods folder in the modpack files you downloaded to the /res_mods folder in your games folder (to for example C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods )

Do not copy the installation-instruction.txt or the mod_description.txt files to the game folder!

Now activate xvm:

I. go to
II. login
III. in the top menu bar, activate services
(xvm remains active for 14 days, so you need to prolong it every 14 days)
IV. in the top menu bar, settings:
– xvm services -> check all
– scale -> default
– rating -> wn8
play game



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