Today we offer special ModPack. GGA Modpack – German gamers Association ModPack, it is a small but effective modpack for better aiming and it providing a lot of information quickly and clearly. However, how much information you need to use you can be selected individually during the installation.
The ModPack is optimized for a game resolution of 1920×1080 (Full HD) and offers a support mode for 4K which we continually improve.
The installer is self-updating and can be easily re-executed during an update. The necessary mods are automatically downloaded during the installation process.
Mods included:
– Battle Assistant
– Wide border of maps
– DamageLog
– P-Mod
– Session Stats
– J1mB0’s Crosshair Mod
– Damage indicator
– Teamspeak Mod (TessuMod)
– TeamHpPool
– Trainfix
– Safeshot
– Infopanel
– Twitch Channel Checker
– WoT Tweaker
– TankRace
– Etc…