This mod allows you to take control of the tank paintings based on the WGR (WarGamingRate) or on WN8 winrate. You can define which tank parts are recolored and if camouflages should be removed or left be untouched.
The WGR values that are used to recolor the tanks are “based” on the WN8 color table but ITS NOT colored by the WN8 value! But you can be sure when you see an unicum colored tank, it plays at least at a WGR of 9000!
All options are fully customizable in a settings dialog. You can reach it by clicking on the <><> symbol on the lower right button in the garage. Search for the entry “CHAMPi mods settings”.
Language-Files are available for english, polish, hungarian and german. If anyone can help to translate it to another game language feel free to send it to me.
Language-Files are located at:
winrate & WGR rating colors:
winrate & WGR table
useful infos about WGR:
Extract the downloaded zip-archive in your game folder!
Yury Polyacov: This mod is based on his idea to recolor the tanks.
IzeBerg: For the modsettings API. Really impressive way to show up a settings dialog!
P0LIR0ID: For the modslist API.
spoter: For his settings GUI in the past. Thanks for all your work!