This XVM is focus on customizing your experience to your preference , it should help produce your best results on the battle field.
A Country Boy’s XVM is a simple Laid back XVM. It is FREE of all that Bling, Glitter and Bright Lights. If simple is what you want, try ” Hawg’s ” XVM . The “Hawg ” is a simpler with less traditional xvm colors ( just 5 colors ) which is less confusing. The Markers Alive file is toned down a bit too, all to help you focus on the.. battle.
Over 300,000 battles went into the making of Hawg XVM. Just remember ,Its ok to drink *from a garden water hose.
280 mods in 1
So now you got 280 Xvm function to turn ON/OFF or adjust to your preference , if you don’t like the default settings.& Total HP . , . Super easy to do .
280 HawgPen Functions
How Edit MainFrame & HawgPen
User Friendly
No need to add extra Fonts like most other Xvm , that may drop your FPS, Or even Slow your Pc down ….. Hawg’s Alternative Xvm is design to help your FPS ,not to drop them like others.
-Autoaim Detection
You must activate your own autoaim before you can see autoaim detection . You will see a blue Crosshairs above tanks that has autoaim locked onto them. Default Off ,Turn On in HawgPen.
– Added Personal Reserve Display
Now you have more details of your personal reserves to view in hangar that are activated.
Hawgs Tactical Spg ,TD , Passive Scott Minimaps ,
You now can see the popular mod Hawgs Tactical Spg ,TD , Passive Scott Minimaps , Just push Hot key M to see the tactical map. To turn off or on or change hotkey , its located in Hawgpen > battle > Hawg_Tacitcal_Maps.
NOTE: Xvm SAFE SHOT is turn Off by default you must turn it on In
Now you can turn Off all Xvm function Completely , If you just want one part of Xvm but nothing else Now you can Have that. I made it super easy to do so. I made a folder in my Xvm called MainFrame, Located in > res_mods > configs> xvm > HAWGS > HawgPen > MainFrame , Inside of it is 10 different folders > To all the skeptics that is scared to use Xvm , this will not cause lag . So now if you just want to use my GunSights with no xvm , or any other part ,Now you can ! Folders added are
– Camera
– CaptureBar
– Carousel
– Clocks
– DamageLog
– Hitlog
– MiniMap
– Over_Tank_Markers
– PlayersPanel
– Sounds
How To Edit
Added the “HawgPen” Configs , So now you got 280 Xvm function to turn ON/OFF or adjust to your preference ,if you don’t like the default settings.
Tank Ouline Colors
You can change the Color of outline of the Enemy, Team,TeamKiller or Platoon , In the HawgPen You Have 25 Different preset colors to pick from in the HawgPen > Color > Tank_Outlines .
Rating Colors
You can change the ratings colors form Super Unicum down to Beginner
You Have 25 Different preset colors to pick from in the HawgPen > Color > Rating_Colors, you can change all 10 rating levels .
Border Color
You can change the Color of Maps Border
You Have 25 Different preset colors to pick from in the HawgPen > Color > Border_Color .
6th sense 10 sec Count Down
Also you can change the 6 the sense bulb
38 6th Sense bulbs addons
15 Achievement Medals 6th Sense bulbs addons
Suaron 6th sense + Sound
I Am Groot 6th sense + Sound
Clan War Map Builder -Xvm
Is a Tool to build Tactical Maps, for Your Clan to View in Battle and to help Prepare for ClanWars .This mod is a must for all Clans Officers. This mod has all the Maps, with Coordinates & Grid.
You must Download ClanWar Map Builder
Clan War Maps
-Added to HawgPen Gunsights Now you can turn On or Off 23 different gun sights function
Default is turn Off on each ,to Turn On Use Hawpen Folder “GunSights”
Note: You can Transfer all your setting from Hawgpen to each update
Just copy folder HawgPen than paste over updated version , Just do after you install update
HawgPen file path…..World_of_Tanks > res_mods > configs > xvm > HAWGS> HawgPen > EASY to do! Open with Notepad or NotePad + +. Open the folder you want to adjust, right click on the “.xc file” and click “Edit with Note Pad ” Then You change the true or false and save changes. Sixth Sense, Carousel and Zoom just add the number you want. You can look at the “Example” in each file to see what each function does.
NOTE: true or false must be in lower case letter.
Real Time Battle Score
Instead of the red and green tanks, at the top of your screen during battle, you now have colored icons matching those in the players panel. When a tank is destroyed there icon is deleted from the list. With a quick glance you can see how many heavys, meds, lights etc…. are left on each team.
HP Mods
Hp Circles on minimap
Seen or not seen Hp Cirles
Hp Bar on Players panel
HP bar for your tank below Consumable panel
Tank HP display
In the hangar you will find some function you have never seen before …
The hangar clock will show in its background a tanks nation flag, the flag will change everytime you pick a different nation of tanks..
Also you will see some interesting stats displayed.
Battle Messages added
Hit By Arty
I Am Spotted
Team Damage
Reload Clip
All are turn off by default, you must turn on in the Hawg Pen
Twitch Mods
In battle current Tank Nation flag ( background for Battle timer )
In battle current Tank Name
In battle current Tank Win %
In battle currentTank Battles
In battle current Server
ALT Files
2 Alt Carousel Files
4 Alt Colors Files
1 Alt Minimap_Names
7 Alt Player Panels HP Bar
1 Alt Thick OTM Health Bar
Just remember if you dont like any certain part , you can turn that part of in the HawgPen
Added over 60 Hotkeys function , You can set on/off HotKeys for all most all Battle functions & All gunsights
To set hotkey open the HawgPen folder if it has a HotKey.xc you can set the hotkey to turn on/off for each battle,
Preset Hotkey Log
Note : function must be turn on in HawgPen first before hotkey will work
Hangar Preset Hotkey
Numpad 9 , will turn on/off Extra Tank info in Hangar
Numpad 8 , will turn on/off the Middle Tank Stats
Numpad 7 , will turn on/off Clock flag Background & show Camo for clock
Numpad 6 , will turn on/off Camo Background Clock
For Carousel Hotkeys ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, Q,W,E,R,T, These hotkeys will turn off most Carousel function
Note: You can not change Hotkeys for Hangar only for Battle Hotkeys
12 Battle Hotkey
Rest of battle Hotkeys you must set in HawgPen
Preset Battle Hotkey For Battle, you can change Hotkey in HawgPen
Tank_HP Bar , Default HotKey NUMPAD ( 9 )
WN8 , Default HotKey NUMPAD ( 8 )
Pen_Chance , Default HotKey NumPad ( 7 )
Daily_Battle_Record , Default HotKey NUMPAD ( 4 )
Wn8_Win_Chance , Default HotKey NUMPADMINUS ( – )
WN8 , Default HotKey NumPad ( / )
AimTime , Default HotKey NUMPADSTAR ( * )
AutoAim_All_Informer_Markers , Default HotKey NumPad ( 5 )
Tank_Battle_Count , Default HotKey ( P )
Tank_Win% , Default HotKey ( O )
Battle_Timer_Flags & Tank Name , Default HotKey ( I )
Tank_HP , Default HotKey ( L )
Special Thanks to 150 in creation of this Xvm
COPY THE FOLDER’S “res_mods” ,& ” mods”.>
OPEN YOUR WORLD OF TANKS LOCATION… normally C:\Games\Worldoftanks..
PASTE INSIDE OF “World_of_Tanks” folder…