Hawg Pack ,Is a unique mod ,that combines Hawg’s Alternative Xvm with 36 of Hawg’s Own favorite mods that Hawg has made.+ 280 Xvm mod function , All the mods been link to the Xvm to run cohesive together as one XVM mod .
Tons of hours has went into making the mod. Like most of Hawg’s mods are made to remove information overload from battle, this mod is the king of all of Hawg’s mods .This mod well improve your game play for sure! Everything that’s is added for battle ,is to give you less Obstruction in battle to help you focus on the Important things + ….the Battle..
The garage has a few Improvements as well . This mod may not be for everyone,if you like to see Reindeers , Flying Monkeys or Unicorns in battle , this mod isn’t for you. Easy to install..
Note :You can Transfer all your setting from Hawgpen to each update
Just copy folder hp than paste over updated version , Just do after you install update .
ADDED Hawg’s Extras * Must turn on in HawgPen Tank Outline Colors *
You can change the Color of outline of the Enemy, Team,TeamKiller or Platoon , In the HawgPen You Have 25 Different preset colors to pick from in the HawgPen > Color > Tank_Outlines .
38 6th Sense bulbs addons
15 Achievement Medals 6th Sense bulbs addons
Suaron 6th sense + Sound
I Am Groot 6th sense + Sound
Clan War Map Builder -Xvm *
Is a Tool to build Tactical Maps, for Your Clan to View in Battle and to help Prepare for ClanWars .This mod is a must for all Clans Officers. This mod has all the Maps, with Coordinates & Grid.
You must Download ClanWar Map Builder
Clan War Maps
HP Mods
Hp Circles on minimap
Seen Hp Circles *
Not seen Hp Circles
Hp Bar on Players panel *
HP bar for your tank below Consumable panel
Tank HP display
Battle Messages added *
Hit By Arty *
I Am Spotted * *
Team Damage *
Reload Clip *
All are turn off by default, you must turn on in the Hawg Pen
Twitch Mods
In battle current Tank Nation flag ( background for Battle timer )
In battle current Tank Name
In battle current Tank Win %
In battle current Tank Battles
In battle current Server* *
ALT Files
2 Alt Carousel Files
4 Alt Colors Files
1 Alt Minimap_Names
7 Alt Player Panels HP Bar
1 Alt Thick OTM Health Bar
Just remember if you don’t like any certain part , you can turn that part of in the HawgPen
COPY THE FOLDER’S “res_mods” ,& ” mods”.>
OPEN YOUR WORLD OF TANKS LOCATION… normally C:\Games\Worldoftanks..
PASTE INSIDE OF “World_of_Tanks” folder…
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