This mod allows you to control how many times a player can ping on the minimap before the pings will be ignored from your client. You can also control if a ping sound is played.
All options are fully customizable in a settings dialog. You can reach it by pressing the MODSLISTAPI ICON at the right bottom in the hangar. (see screenshot)
Language-Files are available for russian, english, german and polish. If anyone can help to translate it to another game language feel free to send it to me.
Language-Files are located at:
Unzip the downloaded zip-archive in your game folder!
Elkano – this mod is based on his idea of a ping spam blocker.
spion_ve, Enesian, Aslain – for help with the language files.
IzeBerg: For the modsettings API. Really impressive way to show up a settings dialog!
P0LIR0ID: For the modslist API.
GambitER: For the flash library
spoter: For his settings GUI in the past. Thanks for all your work!
Feel free to send me your feedback, suggestions and/or bug-reports via private message here on the forum. You can also contact CH4MPi in-game on the EU Server